Sunday, September 26, 2010

No Excuses: Body Weight Exercises Work Too!

People make all kinds of excuses about why they can't get into shape and one of the most frequently used is cost. It can cost a lot to have a gym membership and it can be costly to create your own home gym, although I'll be writing soon about how to do just that, in an affordable way.

But the cost of gym memberships and home equipment don't have to be the factors that prevent you from getting into shape. You can work out anywhere using body weight exercises.

Exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches, dips, pull-ups, handstands and more can be combined to create a complete body workout.

Before you say, "I can't do______" remember that all of these exercises can be modified.  You can adapt them to make them easier.  Push-ups from the knees, dips from a bench with legs bent, pull-ups using a band for support, wall supported handstands  and more.

Test out these exercises at home and retire the excuse that getting in shape costs too much money.  If you'r enot sure how to do an exercise contact me at You can do it!

In good health,
Megan K

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